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Company: OYO

Illustrations for social media 

Illustration was used to add life to empty spaces, to make properties more focused on their specific target audiences. The illustrations are made through simple lines so the properties don't lose their importance and stand out equally. The characters are made in their most personal and comfortable state in order to maintain emphasis on the feel of "home" for the social media pages of OYO HOME.

Fill: A series of filling life in empty spaces


As part of a personal project, the series of Illustration were made where beautiful empty spaces were chosen and given characters inspired from daily life showing them in their comfortable, happy and quite alone time. 

Quirky T-shirt Prints

As part of the annual college fest stalls, these prints of quirky comic strips were made into T-shirts for young students.


Nazar: This print was illustrated inspired by the graphic novel, "Vimla" and was printed right on the chest area, staring back. It says "Nazar" which means vision as well as bad eye, which was behind the thought of staring the bad eye back fearlessly. The positive message on the T-shirt connects to the young crowd and interests them.


Socializing shit: This print was a comic strip that talks to people who hate socializing but do it anyway and regret later, the funny take on the subject attracts the college students and is very relatable to most introverts and quite people.

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